Our Approach

Top Down

To Think Better.

Working with our thoughts, beliefs, memories, perceptions, language, internal narratives, worries and self-talk.

Bottom Up

To Function Better.

Improving our physiological and biological wellbeing including our nervous system, digestion, gut health, hormones, breathing, heart rate variability and the immune system.

Mental health is multi-factorial.  There is no one single cause of mental suffering, just as there is no one thing that can alleviate it.  We are the product of our genetics, relationships, environment, lifestyle and experiences.  It can all affect our mental health, and our mental health can affect it all.  

We think it’s important to ensure every aspect of your well-being is considered in our therapeutic approach. 

Considering all aspects means we can also maximise attention and energy for ‘biggest bang for buck’ return.  Where you focus, you flourish.  Focussing energy and attention strategically, means we can harness the principles of neuroplasticity, and help you reshape your mental landscape.

“Where awareness goes, energy flows” Dandapani (but Finn wants to take credit)